Thursday, May 15, 2014

18 Weeks!

 How far along: 18 weeks!
Total weight gain:... I don't own a scale, so we will see when I go for Gray's anatomy scan the 2nd.
 Maternity clothes? Yes, only maternity clothes
Stretch marks?One on my right hip... I'll survive. I keep lathering with belly butter though!
Sleep:Yes! Finally! I don't know what happened, but I sleep all night now...aside from the occasional potty trips.
Best moment this week: Matthew started reading Bible Stories every night to Grayer. Sweetest. Thing. Ever. 
Miss Anything? Coffee
Movement: YES!!!! WHOOO-HOOO. I can't wait until Matthew can feel. Grayer doesn't just feel like butterfly flutters either; his movement are definitely getting stronger. 
Food cravings: Ice cream ice cream needed inside.
Symptoms:  Heartburn a couple times
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Not really
Labor Signs: No. Thank the Lord. I want Gray to cook for as long as he can!
Wedding rings on or off? On...but with the weather reaching the high 80's this week they are already getting a little snug.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, Excited, Blessed!
Looking forward to: Finishing my hospital gown my mom and I are making! It is so stinkin cute!

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