Wednesday, July 9, 2014

4th Of July

Our 4th of July was awesome, and I hope yours was too! Since Matthew started a new job, he works 6 days a week. Having Friday off with him was a real treat! 

On Thursday night we went to see fireworks in Cumming. It was Me, Matthew, my sister Kinsey, my mom, and my step dad all piled in one truck! There we met up with my dad, step mom, and half sister. I am so grateful my family gets along, so we can all do things together. 

Me and handsome hubby

Mom, Matthew, and Kinsey

On Friday we headed up to Lake Winnie with Matthew's family to spend the day. They have a water park, so this preggo girl floated down the lazy river.

Us on the way back home

After Lake Winnie, we stopped by the house to shower and change. I had that gross stiff hair thing going on. No one wants that. Then headed out to see day two of fireworks. 

I waited a little too late to get a good picture

Happy 4th!

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