Thursday, July 10, 2014

Must haves during your 1st Trimester

Being in my last week of my second trimester, I went back reminiscing. This pregnancy has flown by! I thought I would compile a list of things that I felt were absolutely essential to have during those first weeks. 

1. Prenatal Vitamins. I am a child and got the gummy ones. Don't put off buying them, and taking them. I'm pretty sure your doctor might even give you free samples. It is so important to help you and your sweet bundle stay healthy. P.S. I was taking prenatals as my daily vitamins months before conceiving. 
2. Cocoa Butter... I know they say stretch marks is a hereditary thing, but rubbing my belly and tah-tahs down made me feel better. This is the exact kind I use. I used the actual pregnancy belly butter stuff that comes in a much smaller bottle for a whole lot more, and I really like this kind better. It isn't as thick; it doesn't leave you greasy (I HATE that); it smells like vacation. I'm terrible about remembering to do this kinda thing, so I wanted to start early so I would be in the habit of doing it when I got bigger. Regardless if you think this has no control over stretch marks or not.... when you start getting bigger, your belly will itch as it grows, so it's a good idea to stay moisturized.
3. I have never dealt with acne, so when my cheeks were covered I panicked. I am not a fan of washing my face in the sink. I'd like to call a bull on the commercials with the smiling girls rinsing their face. Yeah right. I end up irritated with a flood around my bathroom sink. These are my favorites. Even without acne, they are a great makeup remover.
4. The famous belly band. This is nice for that awkward in between stage. Where you don't look pregnant pregnant just bloated, and your jeans wont zip. The nice thing about the belly band is you can fold it down when you aren't very big. I got mine at Target.
 5. A night light. Seriously. Buy one. This little guy has served me well the past 26 weeks. I keep mine in the bathroom, and I leave the bathroom door open. When you get up for the 15th time that night, the last thing you want to do is run into the dresser, and then get your booty wet when you fall in because you couldn't see that your precious hubby left the toilet seat up. I really wanted to put this as number one. It is that crucial.
 6. If you have all day morning sickness, I am terribly sorry. I really got lucky and haven't been sick once in 26 weeks. I know, you hate me. Regardless, there were times when I got a little queasy. These always did the trick for me. My ob recommended them in the very beginning to help with morning sickness, if I ever got it. I think it has something to do with the tartness.
 7. WATER BOTTLE. You are supposed to drink a lake a day and it is always easier when you have something cute to drink it out of. I do better drinking out of a straw, so I made sure I got a big cute tumbler with a straw and kept refilling that bad boy.

This was my first trimester in a nutshell. Hope this helps you!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

26 Weeks!

How far along: 26 weeks!
Total weight gain: 10 ish 
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? No new ones
Sleep: Yes, still wake up to go to the bathroom though.
Best moment this week: Getting to see baby Gray on the ultrasound! He is so handsome and weighs 2 lbs! We ordered my shower invites for next month. Swoon.
Miss Anything? Coffee.
Movement: Yes. Pretty constant. He is up when I'm up and sleeps when I sleep. Hopefully he stays this way!
Food cravings: Ice Cream.Really anything sweet. I dream about $150 pound cakes... Yeah it's a problem.
Symptoms: I've had heartburn like something serious. Also, I have this weird pulled muscle feeling in my groin. It is terrible! It hurts to walk. ALL. THE.TIME.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Any sort of exercise. Rolling over in the bed counts... hahaha!
Labor Signs: No.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy teats
Looking forward to: Being in my third trimester!

& Just For Fun :) he is so handsome!

4th Of July

Our 4th of July was awesome, and I hope yours was too! Since Matthew started a new job, he works 6 days a week. Having Friday off with him was a real treat! 

On Thursday night we went to see fireworks in Cumming. It was Me, Matthew, my sister Kinsey, my mom, and my step dad all piled in one truck! There we met up with my dad, step mom, and half sister. I am so grateful my family gets along, so we can all do things together. 

Me and handsome hubby

Mom, Matthew, and Kinsey

On Friday we headed up to Lake Winnie with Matthew's family to spend the day. They have a water park, so this preggo girl floated down the lazy river.

Us on the way back home

After Lake Winnie, we stopped by the house to shower and change. I had that gross stiff hair thing going on. No one wants that. Then headed out to see day two of fireworks. 

I waited a little too late to get a good picture

Happy 4th!

25 Weeks!

How far along: Technically 26 week. I know, I know.
Total weight gain: 10 ish 
Maternity clothes? Yes, but I did wear some white pants with my belly band this past week.
Stretch marks? The same ones on my hip.
Sleep: Yes, but I cut out my naps so I will sleep better at night
Best moment this week: Getting my hair and toes done. Petty, I know. Don't judge. Celebrating the 4th!
Miss Anything? Coffee.
Movement: Yes. Throughout the day.
Food cravings: Ice Cream.
Symptoms: I've had heartburn like something serious. Also, I have this weird pulled muscle feeling in my groin. It is terrible! It hurts to walk. ALL. THE.TIME.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Standing up or walking for too long. Uh. Wore. Out. 
Labor Signs: No.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I cry. A lot. 
Looking forward to: Finishing up this semester, so I can focus on baby!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

24 Weeks

How far along: 24 weeks 6 days... oops
Total weight gain: 9.5 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes, I feel like even maternity clothes constrict me.
Stretch marks? Just a couple on my right hip.
Sleep: Yes for the most part. I did wake up with heartburn one night...not cool
Best moment this week: We had so much fun at our Sunday School cookout last Sunday!
Miss Anything? Coffee
Movement: Oh yes, now he is in my ribs...such a weird feeling!
Food cravings: Ice Cream & milk... and I am not a fan of milk...I actually hate it!
Symptoms: I've had heartburn like something serious. Also, I have this weird pulled muscle feeling in my groin. It is terrible! It hurts to walk. ALL. THE.TIME.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Labor Signs: No.
Wedding rings on or off? On, but I did have to take them off during church on Sunday. They were turning me purple! 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody this week. It's midterm week :(
Looking forward to: Getting my midterms knocked out and celebrating the 4th!