Sunday, June 8, 2014

21 Weeks!

How far along: 21 weeks 4 days... I know I'm late!
Total weight gain: 6-9 lbs.My pre-pregnancy weight isn't certain...go figure
 Maternity clothes? Yes, but I've been wearing some pre-baby maxi dresses. Won't be long though because my belly has no growing room!
Stretch marks? No new ones, so that's good.
Sleep: It's hard to make it a full nights sleep if I nap, so I have tough decisions during the day lol
Best moment this week: The anatomy scan!!! Grayer looks and is measuring perfect, but this momma has a low-lying placenta. I go back in a month for another ultrasound, but I'm not complaining!Friday Matthew took me to the drive-in theater. I love that place so much. We saw Maleficent and Blended. Both were good. Saturday was my sweet niece's 3rd birthday party, and she is my heart, and while I was there my in-laws felt Grayer kick!. Sunday we went to Sunday School (love our class) then service then I got a good cat nap with my puppy :)
Miss Anything? Coke
Movement: Yes, Matthew and his family has felt him, but mine hasn't. They aren't happy about it hahaha
Food cravings: Nothing I can really think of, I could eat anything.
Symptoms: I just having been feeling very good here lately.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Not really
Labor Signs: No.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Starting my last semester of college on Tuesday!

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