Wednesday, January 14, 2015


I have big plans for this blog. Really. I do. Just making time to write post is a struggle for me.
I made a promise to myself and my son that I wouldn't let technology compromise our time we have together. My baby is already 3 months old. I don't want to waste a second being on my phone or computer when that time could be spent with him... So I'll update while he sleeps, and try to really dig into my Bible and prayer journal. I might actually have to wake up before he does (9:00). The HORROR!

So this past year held a place for many firsts. We got pregnant for the first time. Went on our first family Richards vaca. I got my first degree. . . . . and WE HAD OUR FIRST BABY! And all the sweet first things that come along with a baby.


It was slammed packed!

Hopefully, I'll do better documenting 2015.

Here is a SMALL preview of Christmas. Just the professional(Kaptured) pics ;)
               (maybe one day I'll go back and revisit Christmas)

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