Friday, January 23, 2015

One of those post.

This past week was extremely eventful! This girl turned 22. I never thought at 22 I would be married and a new mom. God has richly blessed me.

For my birthday, I woke up to McDonald's bacon biscuit (don't judge) flowers, and balloons. Matthew had an elliptical waiting for me in the basement. I was so excited! That's exactly what I asked for. He did good. We went and saw the Hobbit while my mom watched the little man. I snuggled with my boys, then we ate dinner with some good friends. 

Here are just some memories from the past week!

  This boy is his momma. I have to have my face covered when I sleep...which means he doesn't fall asleep easily at night because I can't let him smother!

 Loving this Sunroof weather. Too bad it didn't last.

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