Friday, January 23, 2015

One of those post.

This past week was extremely eventful! This girl turned 22. I never thought at 22 I would be married and a new mom. God has richly blessed me.

For my birthday, I woke up to McDonald's bacon biscuit (don't judge) flowers, and balloons. Matthew had an elliptical waiting for me in the basement. I was so excited! That's exactly what I asked for. He did good. We went and saw the Hobbit while my mom watched the little man. I snuggled with my boys, then we ate dinner with some good friends. 

Here are just some memories from the past week!

  This boy is his momma. I have to have my face covered when I sleep...which means he doesn't fall asleep easily at night because I can't let him smother!

 Loving this Sunroof weather. Too bad it didn't last.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


I have big plans for this blog. Really. I do. Just making time to write post is a struggle for me.
I made a promise to myself and my son that I wouldn't let technology compromise our time we have together. My baby is already 3 months old. I don't want to waste a second being on my phone or computer when that time could be spent with him... So I'll update while he sleeps, and try to really dig into my Bible and prayer journal. I might actually have to wake up before he does (9:00). The HORROR!

So this past year held a place for many firsts. We got pregnant for the first time. Went on our first family Richards vaca. I got my first degree. . . . . and WE HAD OUR FIRST BABY! And all the sweet first things that come along with a baby.


It was slammed packed!

Hopefully, I'll do better documenting 2015.

Here is a SMALL preview of Christmas. Just the professional(Kaptured) pics ;)
               (maybe one day I'll go back and revisit Christmas)

Monday, December 8, 2014

1 Month New

His yawns are my favorite.

Mommy's sweet little boy.
This past month has been a blur to me. 
Just yesterday I was feeling you kick from inside my round tummy. 
You have given me my favorite role yet- Mom.
You grow and learn so much everyday.
You aren't a fan of tummy time, and get very frustrated that you can't move where you want to go yet.
Bath time WAS a challenge. I learned you just wanted to feel secure, so I added a towel around you. Now bath-time is enjoyable. 
You are such a ham. You eat eat eat. You are definitely your father's son. 
It comes as no surprise you weigh over 9 lbs. 
You are such a good sleeper. You wake up maybe twice a night and are quick to fill your tummy and go right back to sleep. 
You love looking at the Christmas lights on the mantle snuggled in your mamaroo. 
I love you so much I even put lights up wayyy early for me. 
You are the perfect addition. 



Grayer Matthew

My beautiful beautiful boy.

My perfect family. Thank you Kaptured!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

October 13, 2014

October 13, 2014 in pictures thanks to Kaptured Photography

  My sister and dad
Mom and ice :)
Sweet Matthew
Weight guess

 He's Here!

 My family :)
Aunt Wootie

 Mother-in law, Matthew, & Sister

Step dad (Papa)
 Our sweet photographer

This was only a piece of the pie! These were the pictures Lisa(photographer) posted as a preview on facebook. Can't give away anymore pictures due to Christmas gifts ;)