Monday, December 8, 2014

1 Month New

His yawns are my favorite.

Mommy's sweet little boy.
This past month has been a blur to me. 
Just yesterday I was feeling you kick from inside my round tummy. 
You have given me my favorite role yet- Mom.
You grow and learn so much everyday.
You aren't a fan of tummy time, and get very frustrated that you can't move where you want to go yet.
Bath time WAS a challenge. I learned you just wanted to feel secure, so I added a towel around you. Now bath-time is enjoyable. 
You are such a ham. You eat eat eat. You are definitely your father's son. 
It comes as no surprise you weigh over 9 lbs. 
You are such a good sleeper. You wake up maybe twice a night and are quick to fill your tummy and go right back to sleep. 
You love looking at the Christmas lights on the mantle snuggled in your mamaroo. 
I love you so much I even put lights up wayyy early for me. 
You are the perfect addition. 



Grayer Matthew

My beautiful beautiful boy.

My perfect family. Thank you Kaptured!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

October 13, 2014

October 13, 2014 in pictures thanks to Kaptured Photography

  My sister and dad
Mom and ice :)
Sweet Matthew
Weight guess

 He's Here!

 My family :)
Aunt Wootie

 Mother-in law, Matthew, & Sister

Step dad (Papa)
 Our sweet photographer

This was only a piece of the pie! These were the pictures Lisa(photographer) posted as a preview on facebook. Can't give away anymore pictures due to Christmas gifts ;)

Grayer's Birth Story

I should give a warning that I'm about to get very personal,and this will be a long post... Okay, you're warned. 

We had an scheduled induction on October 13, 2014. Check in was the Sunday before at 7 pm. It was such a surreal feeling packing our bags and knowing the next time we came back home Grayer would be with us in our arms!

We loaded up the Tahoe, which is on video (thanks to my picture obsessive mother), and headed to our favorite Mexican restaurant (we eat there a good 3 times a week). Matthew, the little chatter-box that he is...almost made us late, but we arrived at the hospital right on time. We checked in and the panic set in.

I. HATE. needles.

I was more worried about getting the iv than I was about actual delivery... Sad, I know. I got the iv in my forearm. I can still feel that iv if I think hard enough about it. Luckily my favorite show, Once Upon A Time, was on, so I tried to just focus on that. When I was all hooked up my nurse, Tammy, let me know the game plan. They would check for dilation and monitor contractions, before giving me a capsule that would be inserted into the cervix to get it ripe (I love talking about my body parts like they're fruit haha). Then the next morning my doctor would come in break my water and start pitocin and get Grayer out! I was already dilated to almost a 3 and was having contractions every 8 minutes apart! WHO KNEW?! I got the capsule and the waiting began. That night was interesting, Matthew, my mom, and sister all stayed with me. One couch and one chair. Matthew slept on the floor on what wouldn't be considered a mattress by my standards... mom in a chair, and Kinsey on the couch. Luckily Matthew can sleep anywhere. Mom and I got zero sleep.

At 7 am  Dr. Supan came in and it was time to break my water. I had to be induced due to too much fluid. Emphasis on Too Much. Knowing what was about to go down. I scooted my foot on my doctors thigh to ensure my sock wouldn't get wet. Side note- Dr. Supan didn't know what to do with me my entire pregnancy. I'm too much lol. WHOOOSH. The first tidal wave hit and it was time to wait again. I decided to try to go natural, so I waited until I was really hurting to ask for the epidural. I waited too long. At 6 centimeters with no epidural, I felt pain like I had never felt before. I have a high pain tolerance, but this was doing me in. I started throwing up blood (still not sure where it came from) scared my sister(nurse) and my l&d nurse half to death. After that, my anesthesiologist got there pretty quickly.

When I was finally getting my juice and had to sit up-right, the second tidal wave hit. It was a small ocean. Matthew couldn't even hold my hand while getting the epidural because he "didn't want his shoes in that". Ha! But I really couldn't blame him.

Then they told me I was fully dilated, but they wanted to wait to let him drop as far as he could. After the longest hour of my life, it was time to push. Surprise! Your doctor was called in for an emergency surgery, so we called in another doctor (love her too) in case he isn't finished in time. Dr. Clay came in and it was time to push! One push (I'm a good pusher lol) and he was crowning... In walks in Supan! "Don't push again yet; let me get ready". Sure!

Once my doctors had switched, I was allowed to push again. Then the dreaded "Kels... you have to make a choice. You are going to tear if you don't get an episiotomy." I made the decision to be cut.

One more push and our lives were forever changed. 5:54 pm Grayer Matthew Richards entered this world.

I had the BEST pregnancy/delivery experience possible. I was richly blessed.

Maternity Pictures

If you guys are in Georgia, you should use Kaptured Photography for all your picture needs. I could not love this couple more. The pictures are awesome, and their prices are extremely reasonable! I love this couple! They have been in my life for a long time (their son was one of my best friends in high school), and I hope they will continue to be!

Here are just a couple of my favorites!


Weeks 35-39

35 Weeks

36 weeks

37 weeks

38 weeks

39 weeks